Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Patience is a Virtue

If so, then Carol is the most virtuous among us. She has been waiting a very long time for this mini quilt, promised almost a year ago now.

selvage mini for mamacjt by Poppyprint

Carol loves bright, primary & rainbow colours with black and white, so that's what she's getting! There some fun selvages in here. I think the binding is totally 'her', too. Lately Carol's been on a roll creating mini portrait quilts of her sewing friends. They are so much fun. Visit her blog for a look-see. You're sure to leave with a smile.

Selvage mini for mamacjt by Poppyprint

I've made several of these before, but this was the first time I had the brainwave (some of us are a little patient) to add my label right into the stacked selvages. Clever.

Selvage mini detail by Poppyprint

I'm heading to the post office Carol. You won't have to wait much longer!

And as for you lot who are wondering about my subversive stitchery, I'm having second thoughts about sharing. I don't want to offend anyone, or do anything to damage my well-earned sterling reputation (cough, cough). Upon further investigation, it does appear that a reverse look-up on Google translate gives a rather clean version of my Latin stitchery...darnit. I was trying so hard to be naughty. Stay tuned.


1 carol said...

Oh Krista, it's lovely! I can hardly wait to get it. Thank you sooo much! Love your included label> Very clever, YES!!!

2 felicity said...

Gorgeous work, Krista! That binding is indeed totally Carol!

3 Unknown said...

The way you've divided up the colours is quite pretty. Oh yeah, "Poppyprint". There it is! Cool idea!

4 Dianne said...

Swwweeeeet!!! No wonder Carol loves it. Clever clever with the label m'dear.

5 Live a Colorful Life said...

That is very clever, and oh stop my beating heart--all those selvages!

6 Katie B said...

This is lovely! Sweet flowers!

7 Unknown said...

She is going to love it!! Definitely a stroke of brilliance to put your label in the quilt top!

8 What Comes Next? said...

This is a fabulous one, and well worth the wait, I'd say. Great idea putting your label right into the stack!

9 Amy Friend said...

Well gee, I have been checking every hour on the hour for your naughty post and now I'm not going to get it? I already commented on this lovely mini on Flickr. As soon as I saw the binding I thought of Carol. It's perfect for her. And I love your Poppyprint selvage too! Wonderful as always!

10 Wendy said...

How lovely! I'm sure she'll be thrilled. Go on, post your subversive stitching! We're not that prudish!! And forget what Google says, as someone who speaks other languages, I can vouch that Google Translate is wrong 90% of the time!

11 BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Gorgeous!!! If she's tired of waiting, you can send it to me..............grin.

12 Katherine said...

Love it!

13 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Great wait!

14 Meghan said...

Beautiful!!!! This really is stunning!

15 Mary K said...

These are so cute. I look at mine every day. It is on my mini quilt wall.