Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time for some new dishes

Fabric ones, that is. I have been so inspired by all of the modern Dresden plate quilts going on out there that I think I'll give it a go. Remember these fabrics?


Once I got them washed and pressed I did some research on which wedge ruler to use. I asked Amy which one she liked (and many iffy emails referencing wedgies ensued), and Katy had posted about the one she used here. Faced with a bit of indecision, I decided to first BUY MORE FABRIC. That seemed like a good idea. I would need more of the putty coloured linen/cotton blend for background, plus some solids. This is the next stack that arrived from sew mama sew:

future dresdens

I got lots and lots of the gorgeous creamy dotty/leafy fabric you see in the middle to use as the backing, and I think those dots near the bottom would make a fabulous binding. This Lorenza line of fabric has a dreamily soft hand.

I determined that the 22.5 degree wedge made by Nifty Notions would suit me best. This is not a standard LQS item, so I followed Katy's lead and purchased mine off eBay. I'm proud to say it has been SO long since I bought anything off eBay I had to dust off my i.d. and password!

The layout is something I'm still considering, because there are loads of ways to use Dresdens. Plus, I'll have to figure out what to use in the centers! Yo-yo's? Solids? So much planning - it's been a while since I put this much thought into a quilt, but I want it for our bed, so it has to be right. Right? Dianne lent me her new copy of this book to peruse for even more ideas. I have some work to do.

Now, don't get too excited about this happening tomorrow. I'm a bit oversubscribed this month, what with the PotHolder Pass II, the 6"-12" mini swap on Flickr, a fun private swap with a far-away friend, Swap-o-Rama-Rama and sister-in-law's 50th birthday (oh yeah, and Spring Break for the kids!!). March will be roaring like a lion all month long!!

Aaaaaand, seems this is my 74th post. So, I'm thinking about a 75th post giveaway later in the week. I'd like to reward my faithful, fellow bloggy followers with this one, so if you are a frequent lurker/stalker here at Poppyprint, why not click on the subscribe button? Make a commitment! Follow along! Win fun stuff! There will be something Olympic in this giveaway, I promise.


1 paulette said...

I have my Dresden ruler raring to go (it's practically a virgin)!! So inspire me, dazzle me, tempt me...go on...show me what you can do! I REALLY want to make a Dresden quilt...just NO time!!

Anonymous said...

I just love reading your blog Krista! I admit to being a frequent lurker...so I guess I should subscribe. How do I do that?

3 eva said...

S-O-O-O-O nice to see a quilting post!!!


4 Kristen said...

Ooh, Dresden. They intimidate me with their roundyness. I can't wait to see what you come up with! =D

5 Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Lol, buying more fabric is always the solution! I absolutley love your fabric choices and am looking forward to see your plates growing.

6 Susan said...

Oh, pretty fabrics! It's going to be wonderful, I can tell, Krista! And congrats on making Frieda a happy camper with the rooster quilty!

7 Skeena Quilts said...

I love dresdens! I have made a few - it is one of my favorite patterns - those fabrics are totally perfect for dresdens.

8 Amy Friend said...

Dresdens are on my list too!!! I love the fabrics that you chose. I was thinking of just using a paper template. I am super crazy for that?

9 Heleen said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I love your fabrics!

10 Dianne said...

Yummalicious fabrics Krista! I am no longer a lurker I have subscribed. It's my first time subscribing to a blog - how exciting!! LOL!

11 Marianne Penner said...

I'm heading over to ebay. Thanks for the info Krista!

12 Vivian said...

Wasn't someone just recently commenting on how I seem to have a problem saying no to swaps, etc???

Hi Kettle! LOL...hey, how do we subscribe I think it's friday night and I can't see properly anymore.


13 Micki said...

I love dresdens and those fabrics are just luscious!

14 Mette said...

Wow, Krista, March is a busy month for you! I'm a very patient person, if you should need more time. Love your fabrics - especially the pink one on the first picture.